Personal Finance Books

Personal Finance Books

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How to Make Your Money Last:
The Indispensable Retirement Guide
Jane Bryant Quinn
Stop reading this and BUY it now!!!!  This is the book that started my road to all the other books on the list.  I plan on re-reading it every 10 years.  And maybe at least yearly when I turn 60.  Most people who read this wish they read it earlier.  Covers a huge variety of retirement topics.  Including Social Security ( Both Single and married) and the different parts of Medicare.  EVERYONE in the US MUST read this one!  Here is a youtube of her talking about the topics.
Smart and Simple Financial Strategies for Busy People – Jane Bryant QuinnThis book goes over things in a very short concise format.  This covers a LOT of the basics when it comes to Personal finance. 
How a Second Grader Beats Wall Street by Allan RothA few simple rules for long-term investing explained.
Your Money and Your Brain: How the New Science of Neuroeconomics Can Help Make You Rich – Jason ZweigOne of the most interesting books I’ve read on the general finance topic.  This book even includes MRI pictures demonstrating some of what they cover.  It helps us understand how we have not evolved to deal with finances.  If you want to understand the biggest pitfalls humans fall into, this is a great book!
Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes–and How to Correct Them:  Lessons from the New Science of Behavioral Economics Gary Belsky and Thomas GilovichAnother great book on Behavioral Economics.  This and the Neuroeconomics cover a lot of the same material. 
Rational Investing in Irrational Times: How to Avoid the Costly Mistakes Even Smart People Make Today by Larry E. SwedroeYet another book covering some Behavioral Economics.  I would recommend the two prior books before this one. 
The Bogleheads’ Guide to Retirement Planning by Taylor Larimore Mel Lindauer Richard Ferri Laura DoguThis is an outstanding book by multiple bogleheads.  This is a group of people who like to discuss finance and help each other out.  Check out their site  I very much recommend this book.
Where Are the Customers’ Yachts?:  or A Good Hard Look at Wall Street by Fred SchwedThis is an oldie but a goodie.  It was written in the 50’s.  However, MOST of the concepts are the same.  it is actually written more in a humorous fashion.  Not a technical book.  More of a joking view of the finance industry.
Asset Allocation:
Balancing Financial Risk, Fifth Edition
Roger C. Gibson
Very complex book.  This is written for CFP’s.  This is not for the casual investor.
Common Sense on Mutual Funds:
Fully Updated 10th Anniversary Edition
John C. Bogle
John Bogle, the founder of Vanguard and the icon for the bogleheads wrote this a long time back.  He did an interesting thing with this one and left ALL the original text.  What he did add was updates in a different color.  Both graphs and writing to update where he was right, where he was wrong, and how he has been surprised by things. 
The Four Pillars of Investing by William BernsteinThis was another quality book and would recommend.
The Coffeehouse Investor:
How to Build Wealth, Ignore Wall Street
and Get on with Your Life by Bill Schulthesis
Not a super technical book, but one that most influenced my thought process when it comes to investing.  It is a relatively short but jammed with great concepts.  Definitely MUST read!
The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing by Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer, Michael LeBoeufAnother great book by the Bogleheads.  Would also recommend this one.
Explore TIPS: A Practical Guide to Investing in
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities by The Finance Buff
If you want to understand TIPS Bonds this is a must read.  Also helps you with Bonds in general.  It is mostly meant to explain how to buy and sell bonds.
The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas StanleyThis book is about how most people, even without college degrees, accumulate millions by living below their means instead of get-rich-quick schemes.

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